Search by Company name
Search by more characters for more relevant results
- Search for the first word of the company name, but at least for 3 characters
- If You get too much results, try to enter the 2nd word too
- If You get too small result list, try to enter less characters
Our intelligent search help You!
Does not distinguish between long and short vowels
E.g. if You search for "Óvónő" You will get: The Óvónő Kft, Ovonod Kft and
the Óvónövendék Kft too.
By this we can avoid the mispelling errors.
Ignores punctuation
E.g. if You search for "Cégkivonat kft" You will get: the Cégkivonat
Kft, Cég-kivonat Kft and Cég kivonat Kft
By this we can avoid hyphen and space errors.
Does not distinguish between upper and lowercase letters
E.g. if You search for "cÉGinfo" You will get: the Céginfo Kft
and the CÉGinfo Kft too.
By this we can avoid the mosaic-word
name errors.
Searches not only for your legal form
E.g. if You search for "Informatika" You will get: the Informatika Kft, Informatikai Bt, and Informatika Hungary Zrt too.